A preferential trade agreement between Iran and India should be high on the agenda of the two countries’ joint commission, the next session of which is due to be held in India on December 20, says India’s Ambassador to Iran Saurabh Kumar. “The two countries enjoy great potential for expansion of ties and hopefully Iran will put out new proposals for improvement of economic relations in the upcoming event,” Donya-e-Eqtesad quoted him as saying in a meeting with the head of Trade Promotion Organization of Iran, Valiollah Afkhamirad. Iran proposed a preferential trade agreement with India when Afkhamirad met with Additional Secretary of India’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry Rajani Ranjan Rashmi, back in March. The matter resurfaced during the recent visit of India’s Commerce Secretary Rajeev Kher to Tehran. Iran currently has PTAs with nine countries, namely Pakistan, Tunisia, Bosnia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and Turkey.