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Economy, Domestic Economy

MOA With Zimbabwe

The 8th Iran-Zimbabwe Joint Permanent Commission, co-chaired by Iran’s Minister of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare Ali Rabiei and Zimbabwe’s Foreign Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi, ended on Thursday in Harare, with the signing of a memorandum of agreement and the release of a joint statement by the two sides calling for increased cooperation and trade between the two countries. “Both Iran and Zimbabwe have gone through a difficult time, and this agreement can bring about a new era of increased cooperation,” IRNA quoted Rabiei as saying. He added that the MOA includes pledges for cooperation in agriculture, transportation, energy, media, communication, tourism and culture and art. The Zimbabwean minister welcomed the prospect of closer ties and officially invited Iranian firms and traders to attend the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair to be held in Harare next year.