Economy, Business And Markets

Tehran Stocks in the Green on Liquidity Flow

Outweighing the fundamental factors affecting the equity market in the past weeks is the rush of investors desperate to preserve the value of their assets as fears over the inflation rises
Tehran Stocks in the Green on Liquidity Flow
Tehran Stocks in the Green on Liquidity Flow
By accounting for Sunday's growth, the equity market's value has doubled since the start of the financial year in March, with over 20% of the gains having occurred in the past week

Tehran’s main stock gauge closed in the black on Sunday to post another all-time high as the deluge of liquidity from small investors keeps propping up the already overheated market. 
A series of back-to-back records for Tehran Stock Exchange's main index, TEDPIX, has had market gurus worried about the sustainability of the rally which they say is no longer backed by fundamental factors. 
TEDPIX climbed 7697.92 points or 4.11% on the second trading day of the week to reach 195104 points as investors looked ahead to new measures expected to stabilize the currency market,


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