Economy, Business And Markets

Causes of Internal Migration

The population of Iran’s internal migrants reached 684,000 last year, of whom around 567,000 resided in urban areas and 117,000 in rural areas
Causes of Internal Migration
Causes of Internal Migration
Out of 295,000 or 52.6% of the economically active population of migrants, more than 223,000 (75.5%) were employed and 72,000 (24.5%) were unemployed

Looking for a job and finding better employment were the main reasons behind internal migration in Iran in the last Iranian year (ended March 20, 2018) after “following family’s decision”.
The finding has been made after the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare conducted a recent study. 
The population of Iran’s internal migrants reached 684,000 last year, of whom around 567,000 resided in urban areas and 117,000 in rural areas. 


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