Economy, Business And Markets

FATF Back on Iran Parliament's Agenda

The parliament will discuss the bill to join the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism after the summer recess is over in two weeks
FATF Legislation Back on Agenda
FATF Legislation Back on Agenda
The foreign exchange market, which tends to be swayed by FATF-related news, had a stable day on Sunday with the exchange rates showing a downtrend

As Iran's October deadline to complete the Action Plan set forth by the Financial Action Task Force draws near, lawmakers are renewing efforts to pass the related bills sent by the government months ago. 
Behrouz Nemati, a member of Majlis Presiding Board, said on Sunday the parliament will discuss the bill to join the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism after the summer recess is over in two weeks, Tasnim News Agency reported. 
The Iranian government has sent four pieces of legislation to the parliament, which includes amending the country's AML/CFT law in accordance with the FATF standards and joining the United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime (Palermo) and the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism. 


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