Economy, Business And Markets

Jurisprudence Council on the Anvil

Siamak Rahpeyk
Siamak Rahpeyk

The Central Bank of Iran is closer to establishing an Islamic jurisprudence council, as the Guardians Council, the entity in charge of ensuring the compliance of key ratifications and candidates with constitutional precepts and Islamic law, has approved some of the new council’s nominees.
According to GC’s executive deputy, Siamak Rahpeyk, the CBI introduced six jurists or experts in Islamic jurisprudence when the former CBI governor, Valiollah Seif, was still in office. Seif was replaced by Abdolnasser Hemmati on July 25. 
“Of this number, the eligibility of four jurists was approved after conducting interviews to review the possibility of their membership in the jurisprudence council,” he told Tasnim News Agency.
“Only one person remains to be introduced to the bank as member of its jurisprudence council,” he added.


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