Economy, Business And Markets

Urban Households’ Income, Spending Growth 7.6 Percent Above Inflation

Urban Households’ Income, Spending Growth 7.6 Percent Above Inflation
Urban Households’ Income, Spending Growth 7.6 Percent Above Inflation

Iranian families living in urban areas spent an average of 329,525,000 rials ($7,845) in the last Iranian year (March 2017-18), 15.7% more than in the preceding year, the latest report by the Statistical Center of Iran shows. 
'Food and tobacco' (76,750,000 rials or $1,827) accounted for 23.3% of total expenditures. Whereas expenditure on 'non-food' category stood at 252,775,000 rials or $6,018 accounting for 76.7% of total spending. 
Flour, noodle, grains and bread accounted for 22.1% (the biggest share) of the overall urban households’ expenditures in the 'food and tobacco' category, whereas housing costs had the lion’s share in non-food category with 43%. 
Urban households declared they received an average income of 366,947,000 rials ($8,736) last year, which shows a 15.7% rise compared to the previous year. 


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