Economy, Business And Markets

Hemmati Ready to Face Monetary Challenges

Hemmati, 61, is the former head of Central Insurance of Iran who became the 18th head of the country’s central bank.
Hemmati, 61, is the former head of Central Insurance of Iran who became the 18th head of the country’s central bank.
A member of Majlis Industries and Mines Commission voiced support for Hemmati, stressing that the parliament backs CBI's transparent plans for helping the economy grow

Abdolnasser Hemmati, the newly-appointed governor of the Central Bank of Iran, has in his first comments as the country's top monetary policymaker pledged to promote the country's economic growth. 
Hemmati added that in pursuing his goals, he would seek help from his colleagues in the government.  
The Cabinet on Wednesday agreed to appoint Hemmati as the new CBI governor, a move widely seen as a prelude to the widely expected reshuffle of President Hassan Rouhani's team.


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