Economy, Business And Markets

IMIDRO Expanding Mineral Exploration

IMIDRO Expanding Mineral Exploration
IMIDRO Expanding Mineral Exploration

Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization invested 1.14 trillion rials ($27.2 million) in mineral exploration projects in the last fiscal (March 2017-18), according to Ali Asgharzadeh, said  the exploration project manager. The figure is 6.1% higher compared to IMIDRO’s 1.08 trillion rials ($25.7 million) investment the year before. Asgharzadeh said the investments helped increase gold, coal, iron ore, antimony, rare earth elements, barite and bauxite reserves, IRNA reported. Iran is home to 68 types of minerals with over 37 billion tons of proven and 57 billion tons of potential reserves. 


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