Economy, Business And Markets

Industrial Production Index Up 5.5 Percent

Seventeen industrial groups posted YOY growth during the year. ‘Beverage Production’, with 18.3%, had the highest growth among all industries for the second year in a row
‘Motor vehicle, trailer and semi-trailer manufacturing industries’ gave the biggest boost to IPI.
‘Motor vehicle, trailer and semi-trailer manufacturing industries’ gave the biggest boost to IPI.
Chemical producers constitute the largest industry on the list, responsible for more than one-fourth of the Industrial Production Index movements

For the second year in a row, most Iranian industries experienced continuous growth for each quarter of the previous fiscal year (March 2017-18), the latest data on Industrial Production Index for large units released by the Central Bank of Iran indicate.
The last fiscal year saw IPI grow 5.5% year-on-year to 105.5.
Each quarter also posted healthy YOY growth. Q1 saw IPI rising 5%, then 6.5% in Q2, 4.42% in Q3 and 5.7% for the last three months of the year.


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