Economy, Business And Markets

Gov’t Moves to Slap Tariffs on Unprocessed Mineral Exports

Exports of all unprocessed minerals will be slapped with a 5% duty in the first year, 8% in the second and 10% in the third
Restrictions on iron ore exports are expected to help Iranian steelmakers achieve their expansion goals.
Restrictions on iron ore exports are expected to help Iranian steelmakers achieve their expansion goals.

There seems to be no end in sight to the showdown between the government and miners over unprocessed mineral exports.
The High Economic Council ratified the proposal to slap export duties on shipments of "all types of raw minerals" on Thursday, the head of Government-Parliament Mining Cooperation Committee announced. 
"Exports of all raw minerals will be slapped with a 5% duty in the first year, 8% in the second and 10% in the third," Darioush Esmaeili also told Minews.
He noted that the export tariffs will come into effect later in the current fiscal year (started March 21).


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