Economy, Business And Markets

Dates Exported to 86 Countries

Iran is the world’s biggest exporter of dates.
Iran is the world’s biggest exporter of dates.

More than 253,000 tons of different kinds of dates worth close to $250.5 million were exported in the last Iranian year (March 2017-18), data released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration showed.
The exported Iranian dates headed to 86 countries, Mehr News Agency reported.
According to Mohsen Rashid Farrokhi, the chairman of the National Association of Iranian Dates, Egypt, Iran and Saudi Arabia are the world's biggest producers of date with around 1.4 million tons, 1.2 million tons and 1.1 million tons per year respectively.
"Yet, Iran is the biggest exporter of the crop," Farrokhi told Financial Tribune in an earlier interview, adding that Egypt ranks second, with Saudi Arabia and Tunisia sharing the third spot.


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