Economy, Business And Markets

Iran's Top Steelmakers’ Exports Up 6 Percent

Khouzestan Steel Company exported 131,812 tons of slab, bloom and billet last month, registering a 21% drop YOY, to remain the biggest Iranian steel exporter
Iran is expected to turn increasingly to Chinese technology for steel and metal development projects, if it is unable to work with the Europeans.
Iran is expected to turn increasingly to Chinese technology for steel and metal development projects, if it is unable to work with the Europeans.
Iranian steel exports are considered competitive due to the devaluation of the Iranian rial, which has lost around 50% of its value over the past year

Major Iranian steelmakers exported 420,944 tons of semi-finished and finished steel products during the first month of the current fiscal year (March 21-April 20) to register a 6% growth year-on-year.
The data released by Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization are preliminary figures presented by IMIDRO on Iran’s top-scale producers and lack details on most private producers’ shipments. 
A more complete picture is usually published by Iran Steel Producers Association within a few weeks. 


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