Economy, Business And Markets

Parsian to Unveil Int’l Credit Card

Parsian to Unveil Int’l Credit Card
Parsian to Unveil Int’l Credit Card

Parsian Bank is working on “Parsi Card” a newly-developed international credit card, which would be offered to customers for overseas transactions said Kourosh Parvizian, the bank’s CEO. The Parsi Card is a dual currency card, and in the first phase it would be available for use in regional countries including Turkey, Iraq, Russia and Persian Gulf Arab states, quoted him as saying in Tuesday. The website, however, noted that the card will be offered after unification of forex rates, as planned by the Central Bank of Iran. Lotus Company, Parsian Exchange Company, and the bank’s IT department have worked jointly to develop Parsi Card. Parsian Bank is a major private lender founded in 2002. It has 288 branches across Iran, 159 in Tehran alone.