Economy, Auto

Smart Bike-Sharing System for Tehran

Smart Bike-Sharing System for Tehran
Smart Bike-Sharing System for Tehran

Striving to improve the quality of urban life, as well as realizing the dream of turning Tehran into a smart city, a new startup has launched a dockless bike-sharing system that facilitates short-distance journeys.
The first Iranian smart bike rental platform dubbed ‘BDOOD’ (pronounced ‘Bee-DUDE’, literally meaning ‘zero-emission’) was unveiled in Elecomp 2018, standing out among others as its services were showcased in the fair’s open space, wrote local technology news website Digiato.  
Docked all around the pavilion were the bicycles with orange paintjobs that made them quite noticeable. Visitors were given the chance to see them up close or try them for a ride around the fair.
Using eco-friendly and sustainable technologies to enhance the urban transport system, BDOOD is an affordable service that aims for promoting a healthier, and happier society.


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