Economy, Auto

Millions of Hours Down the Drain in Tehran’s Massive Traffic Snarls

Millions of Hours Down the Drain in Tehran’s Massive Traffic Snarls
Millions of Hours Down the Drain in Tehran’s Massive Traffic Snarls

Tehran citizens are forced to squander 20 million hours a day in the overcrowded, traffic-clogged metropolis.
According to Mohammad Darvish, a prominent member of the Iranian Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands, Tehran residents collectively waste 20 million hours a day in the sluggish traffic of the capital.
Darvish says Tehran has the capacity to hold 2.3-2.5 million people, a figure that has long been exceeded by the growing population, reported Mehr News Agency.
“Residents of the city are four times the ideal two million; the number reaches 16.2 million when including the long-distance commuters.”
The city is faced with a grave crisis, manifesting itself in the congested traffic, stifling pollution and water shortage.


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