Domestic Economy

'Turning Point' in Private Investments on Iran's Mining Projects

A total of 11.3 trillion rials ($95 million) have been invested by Iran's private sector in mining projects across the country since Dec. 22, 2018
'Turning Point' in Private Investments on Mining Projects
'Turning Point' in Private Investments on Mining Projects

Iranian private investors have shown growing interest in Iran's mining projects in recent months, suggesting that bright prospects await the country's mineral industries in the near future.  
“A total of 11.3 trillion rials ($95 million) has been invested by Iran's private sector in mining projects and industries since December 22, 2018,” says Deputy Industries Minister Khodadad Gharibpour, Mehr News Agency reported on Sunday.
"This amount of investment marks a turning point in the participation of private investors in the development of Iran's mining sector," he added.
Gharibpour noted that 20 trillion rials ($168 million) worth of funding has made its way to mining projects during the period under review.
"Under the current harsh conditions as a result of the cruel sanctions, this huge amount of investment made during this short period of time [about eight months and a half] is a remarkable feat and indicative of private sector's trust in policymakers in the mining industry and a positive outlook facing mineral projects," he said. 


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