Domestic Economy

Iran: 3 Branches of Power Approve Outlines of Budget Reform

Iran: 3 Branches of Power Approve Outlines of Budget Reform
Iran: 3 Branches of Power Approve Outlines of Budget Reform

The heads of three branches of power (executive, judiciary, legislative) approved on Saturday the four main outlines of an initiative to improve budgeting and help reduce the country’s dependence on oil revenues. 
“Strengthening the institutionalization of budget, improving spending efficiency, generating sustainable revenue growth and achieving macroeconomic stability and sustainable development are the main pivots of reforms that will be incorporated in the budget within nine packages,” Mohammad Baqer Nobakht, the head of Plan and Budget Organization, wrote on Twitter.
“Each package will feature short-, medium- and long-term plans and recommendations that will be weighed by special task forces from three branches of power; the Supreme Council of Economic Coordination will be then briefed on the developments,” he added.


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