Domestic Economy

Iran: Future Expansion of Passenger Rail Services Cast Into Doubt

The share of rail passengers in transportation is not expected to experience a dramatic growth in the future, unless tracks are upgraded with train speeds of up to 180 kilometers per hour
Iran: Future Expansion of Passenger Rail Services Cast Into Doubt
Iran: Future Expansion of Passenger Rail Services Cast Into Doubt

By Mohsen Sadeqi’s reckoning, who is in charge of the Economic Evaluation Office at the Ministry of Roads and Urban Development, future investments in railroad development projects in Iran should promote suburban train services and rail freight transport, instead of traditional rail transport of passengers.
“Rail passenger numbers, except for those pertaining to passengers using suburban train services, have been on a steady decline over the past decade up until last year. 
The Iranian railroad network carried 27.96 million passengers last year (March 2018-19). 


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