Domestic Economy

Iran's Trade Surplus With Iraq Surpasses $380m in 1 Month

Iran's Trade Surplus With Iraq Surpasses $380m in 1 Month
Iran's Trade Surplus With Iraq Surpasses $380m in 1 Month

Iran traded 944,845 tons of non-oil commodities worth $394.23 million with Iraq during the first Iranian month (March 21-April 20) to register a 2.8% decline in tonnage and 0.07% growth in value compared with the year before, latest data released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration show.
Iraq was Iran's fifth biggest trading partner during the period under review after China, the UAE, Turkey and India.
Iran’s exports to Iraq stood at 939,576 tons of goods worth $388.54 million to register a 3.14% and 1.08% decline in tonnage and value respectively year-on-year. 
Iraq was Iran’s second export destination in the world after China.


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