Domestic Economy

Child Laborers Increasing in Iran

Child Laborers Increasing in Iran
Child Laborers Increasing in Iran

The Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare’s Statistics and Strategic Data Center has recently published a special report on child population, literacy and labor in Iran.
The report shows 16,966,712 persons were in the 6-19 age-group in the fiscal 2017-18, of whom 51.6% were boys and 48.4% girls. This population had increased from 16,417,295 in the fiscal 2015-16 to 16,665,518 in the fiscal 2016-17. 
In this age-group, 98.5% were literate in the fiscal 2016-17, of whom 51.6% were boys and 48.4% girls. A total of 1,682,346 dropped out of the education system that year, of whom 46.4% were boys and 53.6% girls. A total of 246,288 or 1.5% of children were illiterate, of whom 49.6% were boys and 50.4% girls. 


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