Domestic Economy

Iran: Producer Prices Rise 47.5% in 2018-19

Iran: Producer Prices Rise 47.5% in 2018-19
Iran: Producer Prices Rise 47.5% in 2018-19

The Producer Price Index in Iran during the last fiscal year (March 2018-19) grew by 47.5% compared with the year before, the Statistical Center of Iran reported.
The index calculated for the year to Dec. 21, 2018, marking the end of Q3, increased by 34.8%, the report added.
The overall Producer Price Index (using 2011 as the base year) stood at 412.2 in the fourth quarter of the last Iranian year (Dec. 22, 2018-March 20), indicating an 8.8% increase compared with the previous quarter (autumn) and a 66.3% increase over last year's winter.


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