Domestic Economy

Portuguese Trade Mission Holds Talks With TCCIM

Portuguese Trade Mission Holds Talks With TCCIM
Portuguese Trade Mission Holds Talks With TCCIM

A visiting business delegation from the Empresarial Association of the Portuguese city of Viana do Castelo, headed by its president Louice Cena, attended a meeting at Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture.
The delegates exchanged notes with senior members of TCCIM on how to promote bilateral economic cooperation, IRNA reported. 
The two sides underlined the role small- and medium-sized enterprises can play in the era of US sanctions against Iran and the importance of Portugal accession to the European Union’s newly-created special purpose vehicle aimed at facilitating legitimate trade with Iran, INSTEX, in their talks. 
“We are interested to strengthen the bridges that connect us and are prepared to create our own trade mechanisms at the request of Iran,” Cena said.
A memorandum of understanding on strengthening mutual business ties was also signed at the end of the meeting, IRNA reported on Tuesday.
Joao Corte-Real, the Portuguese ambassador to Iran, was also present at the meeting.

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