Domestic Economy

20% of Iranian Manufacturing Units at Industrial Towns in Recession

Depressed domestic demand, dwindling purchasing power, shortage of raw materials, higher finished costs and the after-effects of sanctions are the root cause of the weakening performance of local manufacturing units in Iran
20% of Iranian Manufacturing Units at Industrial Towns in Recession
20% of Iranian Manufacturing Units at Industrial Towns in Recession

Twenty percent of manufacturing units located in industrial towns across Iran have been hit by recession, a deputy minister of industries, mining and trade said.
"Up to 30% of industrial towns’ manufacturing enterprises are operating at less than half their full capacity, 20% are working at 50-70% while the remaining are running at over 70%," Mohsen Salehinia added. 
According to the official, there are 973 industrial towns in Iran.
"A total of 43,000 manufacturing units are based in industrial towns, which generate 45% of the country’s total employment," he said. 


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