Domestic Economy

Unemployment Gap Across Iranian Provinces (2011-2018)

Unemployment Gap Across Iranian Provinces (2011-2018)
Unemployment Gap Across Iranian Provinces (2011-2018)

The gap between unemployment rates for Iranian provinces was the highest in the fiscal 2016-17 and lowest in 2014-15 over the seven years reviewed by the Statistics and Strategic Information Center of the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor and Social Welfare during 2011-18.  
The highest unemployment rate was recorded for Kermanshah Province at 22% and the lowest rate was registered for Markazi Province with 7.3% in 2016-17, showing the unemployment gap at its widest—14.7%.
The lowest gap was at 8.8% in 2014-15, as Kermanshah saw the highest unemployment rate of 15.7% and Kerman registered the lowest joblessness rate of 6.9%. 


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