Domestic Economy

Two Industrial Units Come on Stream in Ahvaz

Two Industrial Units Come on Stream in Ahvaz
Two Industrial Units Come on Stream in Ahvaz

First Vice President Es’haq Jahangiri inaugurated two industrial projects in the capital city of Khuzestan Province on Tuesday. 
The newly-appointed Minister of Industries, Mining and Trade Reza Rahmani accompanied Jahangiri, IRNA reported.
“The first project was a salt factory with a production capacity of 2,300 tons per year. Some 250 billion rials [$1.8 million] worth of investment have gone into the project which has been built over 24,000 square meters of land. This industrial unit has created 60 jobs,” Amir Hossein Nazari, the head of Khuzestan Industries, Mining and Trade Organization, said. 
The second project inaugurated by the vice president was a factory that covers compressed wooden sheets with melamine or high gloss finish. The factory’s production capacity stands at 15 million square meters per year.
Some 15 billion rials ($108,000) have been invested in the project, constructed over 41,558 square meters of land. A total of 150 people are employed in this unit.

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