Domestic Economy

Iran Placed Atop High Human Development Nations

Iran’s HDI score of 0.798 in 2017 places it ahead of Turkey (which ranks 64th), Mexico (74th), Brazil (79th), China (86th), South Africa (113th) and India (130th)
 Between 1990 and 2017, Iran’s HDI value increased from 0.577 to 0.798, indicating an annual increase of nearly 1.21%
 Between 1990 and 2017, Iran’s HDI value increased from 0.577 to 0.798, indicating an annual increase of nearly 1.21%

Iran climbed one step to rank 60th among 189 countries reviewed in the latest Human Development Index report released by the United Nations Development Program. 
Notably, the country is placed ahead of Turkey (64th), Mexico (74th), Brazil (79th), China (86th), South Africa (113th) and India (130th). 
Iran's HDI value for 2017, according to the report, is 0.798, which puts the country on top of the ‘high human development category’. 
HDI classifications are based on HDI fixed cutoff points, which are derived from the quartiles of distributions of component indicators. The cutoff points are HDI of less than 0.550 for low human development, 0.550–0.699 for medium human development, 0.700–0.799 for high human development and 0.800 or greater for very high human development.


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