Domestic Economy

Iran Labor Force Participation Rebounds in 2017-18

The labor force participation rate remained under 41% during the period under review
SCI put the last fiscal year’s (March 2017-18) labor force participation rate at 40.3% or 26.58 million people.
SCI put the last fiscal year’s (March 2017-18) labor force participation rate at 40.3% or 26.58 million people.
Women’s labor force participation rates have always been below 17% over the period under review

Iran’s labor force participation rate—the share of the population ages 10 years and older working or actively seeking work—in the last fiscal year (March 2017-18) was 40.3% and included 26.58 million people, registering a 0.9% rise compared with the year before.
The lowest participation rate recorded over the period under review has been registered for 2011-12 at 36.9%, according to the Statistical Center of Iran.
It had fallen from 41% in the fiscal March 2005-6 to 39.4% in 2016-17, indicating a 1.6% percentage-point decline. 
The fiscal 2015-16 marks the end of the downtrend of labor force participation rate in Iran, as the index improved by 1% compared with the year before.    


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