Domestic Economy

Another Breakthrough for Iran in World of Minerals.. Lithium, Copper and Now Titanium

The titanium mine and associated processing facility in the vicinity of Kahnuj in Iran’s Kerman Province — also the location of the copper discovery — will come on stream following three decades in which efforts to achieve the launch always foundered
Another Breakthrough for Iran in World of Minerals.. Lithium, Copper and Now Titanium
Another Breakthrough for Iran in World of Minerals.. Lithium, Copper and Now Titanium

Iran’s sole known titanium deposit is to be turned into a working mine by March next year, according to local reports.
The development comes hot on the heels of Iran’s discovery of what is believed to be the Middle East’s largest known porphyry copper deposit and the February announcement of a giant lithium reserve in the country, bne Intellinews wrote.
The titanium mine and associated processing facility in the vicinity of Kahnuj in Iran’s southeastern Kerman Province — also the location of the copper discovery — will come on stream following three decades in which efforts to achieve the launch always foundered, according to Moslem Moravveji, a Ministry of Industries, Mining and Trade (MIMT) provincial official, Tasnim News Agency reported on June 27.


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