Domestic Economy

Tehran to Boost Economic Cooperation With Minsk

Iran to Focus on Economic  Cooperation With Belarus
Iran to Focus on Economic  Cooperation With Belarus

Iran intends to focus on the development of economic cooperation with Belarus, BelTA quoted Iranian Ambassador to Belarus Alireza Sanei as saying.
According to the diplomat, Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko's March visit to Iran was a kind of turning point in relations between the two countries.
"In a political sense, these relations are at the highest level, but from the viewpoint of economy, there is still room for development. At the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I worked in the economic department before being appointed ambassador, so I will focus on this area," Sanei said.
The ambassador noted that there are still many areas in trade and economy where Belarus and Iran need to increase cooperation. 
"In economy, we have certain challenges and difficulties. Businessmen and companies of our countries do not know each other well. There are certain problems in connection with the sanctions. We will try to resolve these issues. We intend to improve our relations in the near future," he added.
“Belarus has special relations with Iran,” Lukashenko said as he received the credentials from ambassadors of nine countries in Minsk on June 15.
"Minsk and Tehran have always deeply understood each other, being subjected to unfair, illegal sanctions," the head of state said.
The president stressed that Belarus views Iran as an important international player with a huge economic potential. 
"Today, our cooperation is entering a new stage," he said.

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