Domestic Economy

Main Challenges Facing Central Bank of Iran

In Iran, the central bank has been acting as the government’s banker for nearly half a century. Along with the conventional central banking, CBI buys the currencies of the super-exporter, the government, earned from the export of oil and gas
Main Challenges Facing  Central Bank of Iran
Main Challenges Facing  Central Bank of Iran

One of the old, chronic challenges of the central bank is the special structure of the foreign exchange market in Iran. 
The forex market in most economic systems, in its conventional state, includes exporters of domestic goods and services who sell their currency in the forex market to the importers of foreign goods and services, as well as people who intend to convert their assets in domestic currency to assets in foreign currency or vice versa. Generally, commercial banks and brokers facilitate this process of buying and selling. 
Central banks do not play a role in connecting buyers and sellers of currency; rather they apply policies related to buying or selling currency in the foreign exchange market with the aim of regulating the international competitiveness of the national economy. 


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