Domestic Economy

Neighbors Account for Half of Iran’s Trade in Two Months

From March 21 to May 21, exports to neighboring countries stood at 10.15 million tons worth $3.73 billion, accounting for 48.4% and 50% of total exports in weight and value respectively. Imports from neighbors stood at 4.73 million tons worth $7.94 billi
Neighbors Account for Half of  Iran’s Trade in Two Months
Neighbors Account for Half of  Iran’s Trade in Two Months

Iran traded 13.14 million tons of goods worth $7.46 billion, excluding crude oil exports, with its 15 neighboring countries sharing land or sea borders during the first two months of the current Iranian year (March 21-May 21), according to Rouhollah Latifi, the spokesman of the Iranian House of Industry, Mine and Trade’s Trade Development Commission.
The figures account for over 51% of tonnage and 48.3% of the value of Iran’s foreign trade during the period.
Exports to neighboring countries stood at 10.15 million tons worth $3.73 billion, unchanged in terms of weight, but down 17% in value compared with last year’s corresponding period, IRNA reported.
Total exports stood at 21 million tons worth $7.51 billion during the period. 


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