Domestic Economy

Industrial Strategy Needed to Overcome Underdevelopment

The absence of an industrial strategy has prevented the country from moving in the direction of development. Without a plan, we are torn between what region to choose and what type of industry to focus on
Industrial Strategy Needed to Overcome Underdevelopment
Industrial Strategy Needed to Overcome Underdevelopment

Lack of a detailed roadmap is the main weakness of Iran’s industrial sector that still does not have a clear strategy, despite the promises made by government officials. This negligence has led to a lack of appropriate growth, Hossein Pirmoazen, the head of Ardabil Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture, prefaced his write-up for the Persian daily Donya-e-Eqtesad with these statements. A translation of the text follows: 
The absence of an industrial strategy has prevented the country from moving in the direction of development. Without a plan, we are torn between what region to choose and what type of industry to focus on. Without research, we cannot plan for the future, which flaw has plagued Iran’s industry for years. 


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