Domestic Economy

Iran, Indonesia Sign Deal for Advancing Preferential Trade

The PTA, signed between Tehran and Jakarta in Indonesia on Monday, is aimed at improving trade relations and boosting the value of transactions
Iran, Indonesia Sign Deal for Advancing Preferential Trade
Iran, Indonesia Sign Deal for Advancing Preferential Trade

The leaders of Indonesia and Iran on Tuesday have signed a preferential trade agreement to expand economic relations during an official visit by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi.
Indonesian President Joko Widodo, speaking after the signing of the deal streamed online by his Cabinet Secretariat, hoped the agreement "would increase trade between Indonesia and Iran" but did not provide details, Reuters reported.
Indonesia’s trade ministry official, Djatmiko Bris Witjaksono, told reporters on Monday Indonesia is keen to boost trade with Iran and its surrounding states.
"Iran could be a gateway to the surrounding region, such as Central Asia ... or even to Turkey because we do not have any trade deal with Turkey yet," he said.
Under Monday's agreement, Iran would give Indonesia greater access to products like processed food and pharmaceuticals, textile, palm oil, coffee and tea, while Indonesia will lower tariffs for Iran's oil and chemical products, metals and some dairy products.


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