Domestic Economy

14 Percent Rise in Apparent Steel Use

14% Rise in Apparent Steel Use
14% Rise in Apparent Steel Use

Apparent steel use in Iran increased by 14% in the fiscal 2022-23 (ended March 20) compared with the year before, latest data released by the Iranian Steel Producers Association show.
ASU is defined as production plus imports minus exports, sometimes also adjusted for changes in inventories. It stood at 19.4 million tons for finished products, registering a 14% increase compared with the previous year.
Long steel products accounted for the biggest share of finished steel consumption with 9.97 million tons, up 18%.
Rebar grabbed the biggest share in this category with 8.09 million tons, up 21%; followed by beams with 1.17 million tons, up 7%; and L-beam, T-beam and other types of beams with 718,000 tons, up 6%.


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