Domestic Economy

Employment Rate Reaches 36.6% in Q4 FY 2022-23

Employment Rate Reaches 36.6% in Q4 FY 2022-23
Employment Rate Reaches 36.6% in Q4 FY 2022-23

The employment rate in Iran stood at 36.6% (23.43 million) in the last financial year’s fourth quarter (Dec. 22, 2022-March 20), unchanged compared with the same quarter of the year before, according to the Statistical Center of Iran.
Employment is defined as persons of working age engaged in any activity to produce goods or provide services for pay or profit, whether at work during the reference period or not at work due to a temporary absence from a job, or to working-time arrangement.
Employment rates for men and women were 62% and 11.2% in Q4 respectively, which constituted 19.84 million men and 3.45 million women. 


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