Domestic Economy

Neighbors Accounted for 52% of Iran’s Trade in Fiscal 2022-23

In the fiscal 2022-23, Iran’s exports to 15 neighboring countries sharing land or sea borders stood at 75.18 million tons worth $30.53 billion while imports hit 21.58 million tons worth $28.3 billion
Neighbors Accounted for 52% of Iran’s Trade in Fiscal 2022-23
Neighbors Accounted for 52% of Iran’s Trade in Fiscal 2022-23

Iran traded 96.76 million tons of goods worth $58.84 billion, excluding crude oil exports, with 15 neighboring countries sharing land or sea borders in the last Iranian year that ended on March 20, 2023.
This accounted for over 60% of tonnage and 52% of value of Iran’s total trade with other countries, new data released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration show.
The trade figures registered a 3.35% decrease in terms of weight, but a 13.45% rise in value compared to the year before.
The UAE was the main trade partner of Iran among its neighbors during the period with 24.35 million tons (up 3.71%) of exchanged goods worth $24.16 billion (up 12.57%). It was followed by Turkey with 18.16 million tons (down 6.68%) worth $13.55 billion (up 19.07%) and Iraq with 27.23 million tons (down 16.41%) worth $10.24 billion (up 1.26%).


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