Domestic Economy

Economist Examines a Flaw in Policymaking

Economist Examines a Flaw in Policymaking
Economist Examines a Flaw in Policymaking

Economic policymaking in Iran is suffering from major weaknesses, denying the potential of the economy a level of growth commensurate with the spent resources; there’s no doubt in this regard. 
Everyone acknowledges that Iran has unique potentials and opportunities for growth and development, however, the expected growth and development have not been realized. Finding the roots of this shortcoming in the performance of economic policymaking is the focus of this write-up. 
Here, I intend to point to only one factor. I do not claim that this factor is the only factor or even the dominant factor in explaining this situation, but I believe this aspect has been effective in shaping ineffective economic policies. 
Ali Sarzaeem, an economist, prefaced his write-up for the Persian daily Donya-e-Eqtesad with this note. A translation of the text follows:


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