Domestic Economy

What Ails Iran’s Foreign Trade

What Ails Iran’s Foreign Trade
What Ails Iran’s Foreign Trade

Different dimensions of tension in Iran’s foreign policy have been discussed a lot over the past few decades. With the passage of time, the negative effects of these tensions on our economy and society have become clearer. 
These tensions come at a time when, unlike before, foreign trade is often the most important requirement for the economic development of countries and accounts for a big share in the gross domestic product of global countries. 
Kourosh Ahmadi, a former diplomat, prefaced his write-up for the Persian daily Shargh with this note. A translation of the text follows:
Given the accelerated pace of globalization in the past few decades and the revolution in communication, information and transportation, countries have no other option but to rely on their relative advantages to exchange goods and services to achieve development goals. 


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