Domestic Economy

Iran, Russia Reach Deal on Building Strategic Railroad

Iran, Russia Reach Deal on  Building Strategic Railroad
Iran, Russia Reach Deal on  Building Strategic Railroad

Iran and Russia have reached an agreement for the construction of the Rasht-Astara railroad project.
Iran’s Deputy Transport and Urban Development Minister for Transportation Affairs Shahriar Afandizadeh was quoted as saying by Mehr News Agency on Wednesday that the Rasht-Astara railroad is “the most important project” of the country.
He noted that the project completes the 162-km North-South corridor from Bandar Abbas to Rasht and from Rasht to Astara, and connects Iran to Russia and Northern Europe through the Azerbaijan Republic.
Referring to the Russian government’s desire for the completion of the Rasht-Astara railroad in the form of a loan or other financial methods, Afandizadeh said that in recent months, negotiations have been held with the Russian government in order to develop transit between the two countries.
Referring to a tripartite memorandum among Iran, Russia and Azerbaijan, he said the construction and operation of the railroad project are foreseen in 16 articles, which determine the type of line design, including the width of railroads of this project.
With the investment of Russians, the rail project is supposed to be completed within three years.



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