Domestic Economy

Gradual Deprivation of Iranian Housing Rights

Gradual Deprivation of Iranian Housing Rights
Gradual Deprivation of Iranian Housing Rights

In today’s economy, the so-called “waiting period for owning a home” index has gradually become an important, thought-provoking indicator. One of the key duties of governments is to shorten this period and pave the way for all citizens to buy their own home. 
The realization of this goal first depends on increasing the productivity of labor force and their wages, and then on the government’s ability to safeguard the housing market from the manipulation and intervention of profiteers through supervision. 
Article 31 of the Iranian Constitution views housing as the universal right of Iranians and obliges the government to lay the foundation for achieving this lofty goal. However, more than four decades since the adoption of the Constitution, you can say that this article has been forgotten; governments have not been successful in this matter. As a result, the waiting time for owning a house has increased gradually; now we are speaking of the waiting period of a hundred years or even more. Nasser Zakeri, an economist, prefaced his write-up for the Persian daily Shargh with this note. A translation of the text follows:   



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