Domestic Economy

Exports to Iraq via Mehran Border Witness Sharp Rise

Exports to Iraq via Mehran Border Witness Sharp Rise
Exports to Iraq via Mehran Border Witness Sharp Rise

More than 2.35 million tons of goods worth $1.09 billion were exported from Iran to Iraq through the Mehran Border Terminal in the western Ilam Province during the first eight months of the current Iranian year (March 21-Nov. 21), registering an 84% and 72% rise in weight and value respectively compared with the corresponding period of last year, according to a local customs official.
“Ilam Province accounted for 23% of Iran’s total exports to Iraq during the period,” Rouhollah Gholami was also quoted as saying by IRIB News.
Fruit and vegetable, plastic, industrial and metal products, construction materials, glass and sheet glass, and home appliances were the main exports.


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