Domestic Economy

TCCIM to Organize Course on Entrepreneurship Next Week

TCCIM to Organize Course on Entrepreneurship Next Week
TCCIM to Organize Course on Entrepreneurship Next Week

Iran-UK Chamber of Commerce is scheduled to hold a course titled "Innovative Entrepreneurship Wheel" on Dec. 14 in cooperation with the University of Tehran's Faculty of Entrepreneurship, Panter Business School and the Association of Entrepreneurs.
The course is going to be held in Amin al-Zarb Conference Hall located in Building No. 3 of Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture from 8-5 a.m.
The participants will receive a certificate upon the course's completion granted by Panter Entrepreneurial Consulting and Services Center. 
Those interested may obtain further information by contacting +982123527.
According to an article published in Science Direct, the wheel of innovation refers to the concept whereby those very same forces that create an innovative hotspot also eventually provide the seeds for the hotspot's decline. An innovative hotspot creates economic prosperity. 
The increasing demand for economic entitlements within the hotspot creates negative structure that is not conductive to later entrepreneurs or new ventures. This tends to put a damper on further innovative activity within the maturing hotspot. This rags-to-riches-to-rags evolution of innovation hotspots is termed the wheel of innovation. 

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