Domestic Economy

Call for Diversity in Export Goods, Markets

Call for Diversity in Export Goods, Markets
Call for Diversity in Export Goods, Markets

Trade reports published in Iran only survey non-oil exports. The country’s oil statistics are not available; therefore, speaking of trade surplus and deficit seems unprofessional. 
Given the level of Iran’s oil sales, a negative trade balance is unlikely. News by international oil and shipping organizations (as well as Iranian sources) indicates that Iran is selling more than 800,000 barrels of oil per day. Putting the estimated price of oil at an annual average of $80, Iran generated $22-23 billion in oil income. 
If we add this number to non-oil export revenues, the country’s trade balance will be positive. These were stated by Majid Reza Hariri, chairman of Iran-China Chamber of Commerce, in an article for the Persian daily Ta’adol. A translation of the text follows:


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