Domestic Economy

Need to Reflect on Property Tax in Development Planning

Need to Reflect on Property Tax in Development Planning
Need to Reflect on Property Tax in Development Planning

Article 4 of the general policies, based on which the government has recently started drafting the seventh five-year development plan, highlights the importance of overhauling the taxation system. It calls for strengthening the guiding and regulatory role played by tax in the economy with emphasis on production. 
In recent years, the governments were more focused on generating income to tackle the budget deficit rather than getting the economy back on the rails, stated Nasser Zakeri, an economist, in an article for the Persian daily Shargh. A translation of the text follows:
One of the glaring examples of the government’s negligence is the small share of tax on property compared with the share of income tax. The justification of decision-makers is that under the heading of income tax, all sources of income of individuals, including wages, profits and rent, are included and if a person earns income from their assets, they will pay tax for all taxable items of their income.


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