Domestic Economy

Iran Wheat Storage Capacity Among Middle East’s Largest

Iran Wheat Storage Capacity Among Middle East’s Largest
Iran Wheat Storage Capacity Among Middle East’s Largest

Iran’s wheat storage capacity currently stands at 21.41 million tons, making it one of the Middle East’s largest, according to the Government Trading Corporation.
The silos, located in 158 regions across the country include metal, concrete and mechanized storages with a capacity of 18.01 million tons of wheat for long-term periods and simple semi-mechanized storages with a capacity of 3.4 million tons of the grain for short-term periods, IRNA reported.
GTC says Iran’s demand for wheat storage is close to 11 million tons per year, adding that the surplus storage capacity is used as terminal for temporary imports and redistribution to regional countries, creating revenues and job opportunities for the country.


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