Domestic Economy

Tehran Exports Top $2.4b in H1

Tehran Exports Top $2.4b in H1
Tehran Exports Top $2.4b in H1

A total of 4.74 million tons of goods produced in Tehran Province worth $2.47 billion were exported during the first half of the current Iranian year (March 21-Sept. 22), according to a local official.
“Tehran’s exports accounted for 10.21% of Iran’s total exports during the period,” Hassan Mirzaei, the deputy head of Tehran Industries, Mining and Trade Organization, was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
“Exports from the industrial sector stood at $245 million, those of agriculture sector at $153 million, carpet and handicrafts at $48 million, petrochemicals at $51 million and mines and mining industries at $94 million.”


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