Domestic Economy

Tehran to Host Third Iran-EEU Economic Diplomacy Conference

Tehran to Host Third Iran-EEU Economic Diplomacy Conference
Tehran to Host Third Iran-EEU Economic Diplomacy Conference

Tehran Chamber of Commerce, industries, Mines and Agriculture, in cooperation with other chambers of commerce across the country and joint chambers with Eurasian states, is organizing the Third Iran-EEU Economic Diplomacy Conference on Trade and Investment in Agricultural Products and Food Industries in December.
The two previous events were held in the fiscal 2020-21 with the aim of developing Iran’s trade relations with this union.
This event has been scheduled for December 4 with the participation of foreign trade officials and the support of Iranian chambers of commerce, joint chambers with the Eurasian Union, agricultural and food industry organizations, and in the presence of experts from the member countries of this union. It will be held at the IRIB International Conference Center, the news portal of TCCIM reported.


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