Domestic Economy

Wheat Imports Drop 40% as Local Purchases Rise 60%

Iran’s domestic demand for wheat currently stands close to 11 million tons per year
Wheat Imports Drop 40% as Local Purchases Rise 60%
Wheat Imports Drop 40% as Local Purchases Rise 60%

A total of 3.8 million tons of wheat have been imported since the beginning of the current Iranian year on March 21, which shows a 40% drop compared with the similar period of last year, the CEO of Government Trading Corporation said on Monday.
“So far this year, the government has bought around 7.2 million tons of the grain from local farmers as part of its guaranteed purchase program, registering a 60% year-on-year rise. The value of purchases stands at 830 trillion rials [$2.5 billion],” Saeed Rad was also quoted as saying by IRNA.
According to the official, last year’s (March 2021-22) purchases and imports stood at 4.5 million tons and 6.4 million tons respectively. 
GTC, affiliated with the Agriculture Ministry, is in charge of ensuring an adequate supply of essential goods, including wheat, rice and cooking oil, to the local market.


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