Domestic Economy

Iran’s Q2 Labor Market: A Sectoral Review

Iran’s Q2 Labor Market: A Sectoral Review
Iran’s Q2 Labor Market: A Sectoral Review

The services sector employed 50.4% of the Iranian employed population (11.97 million) in the second quarter of the current Iranian year (June 22-Sept. 22), 1.6% higher than the corresponding period of last year, whereas industrial and agricultural sectors provided 33.8% and 15.8% of jobs respectively, according to the Statistical Center of Iran.
Over 8.02 million Iranians were employed in the industrial sector, unchanged year-on-year and 3.76 million worked in agriculture, posting a 1.6% decrease YOY. 
The services sector consists of wholesale and retail trade; restaurants and hotels; transport, storage and communications; financing, insurance, real-estate and business services; as well as community, social, education, health and personal services.


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